You Gotta Know What to WANT

Many years ago I was facing a health challenge and thought that I was doing the Christian thing with what I prayed. My fifteen week old daughter had a fever of 102 degrees and was diagnosed with meningitis. In the middle of this ordeal I prayed for exactly what I didn’t want. I prayed that she would go back to be with the Father.

Why would I do that? That could not be farther from what I truly wanted. It is because I did not know how to pray. So many times people tell you to just talk to God but that may not be entirely true. The most effective prayers include praying the word of God. God is faithful to fulfill His word and His word is filled with over 3,000 promises. I just needed to know the promise to stand on.

Jesus demonstrated this himself in the wilderness during a fast by responding to every challenge with scripture. He knew that God’s word does not contradict His will and His will does not contradict His word. So how have I worked this into my life? Now, in the age of search engines, I just look it up. Whenever I am challenged with anything I look up the promise that gives me the answer. That doesn’t mean that the answer will always be yes but at least I know that I am pointed in the proper direction.

I now know that I have to add my belief to my prayer. There is a scripture in James 1: 6 that says “But when you ask for something, you must have faith and not doubt. Anyone who doubts is like an ocean wave tossed around in a storm.” I don’t want to be tossed about I want to believe and sometimes I need Christ to help my unbelief. God answers prayers according to our faith and thankfully a little goes a long way. The word of God says nothing about asking for what you do not want. It actually says the opposite. The challenge is that you gotta know what to want and that is in the word of God.

Dear All Knowing, Everlasting Father. I am so grateful that you answer prayer. Even more grateful that you answer by giving me what I need instead of what I ask for. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

By The Way: My daughter came through the health scare without complications. She is a healthy, happy young woman.


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