Perfection Not Required, Just Point

One of the young mothers that I mentor fell into my arms sobbing, as she walked into my office. She was crying because she was tired. Tired because she had been taking care of herself since she was 13 years old. Responsible for her bills, school, work and now her baby. She wants a different life for her child but she doesn’t know how to give her what she has never had or ever seen. Even the idea was now overwhelming to her. Everything was getting to be too much and she did not know what to do for the baby that she loves beyond words. She was afraid and she felt alone.

Talking with her caused me to reflect on when I was preparing for my first child and all I could focus on was my faults. I was ten years older at the time than this young lady and my family structure was completely different but I was in the same emotional space. I did not know what I had to offer the precious life I was carrying. How could I be an example with all of the ways I was making mistakes? I was afraid and I felt alone. Distinctly, I remember sharing my feelings with a minister friend. In his famous Uncle Lou way, he said that I didn’t have to be perfect; I just needed to point to the one who was. He blew my mind and set me free. I was so relieved to hear that I did not have to be perfect.

The verse that helps me to remember this is 2 Corinthians 12:9. It says: But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness.” I am so grateful to know that I am not expected to know all of the answers. How could I be? The part that I am completely responsible for is seeking God’s wisdom and admitting that I can’t do it alone. That is the advice that I pass on to my children and anyone who needs it. Seeking God’s wisdom is freedom, even though it seems like the opposite. It is an opportunity to have your path lighted for you, once you learn to search His word and hear His voice. There is no part of our lives that God can not use. He can use it all to help us individually or for us to share with someone else in need.

This young mother is learning to point just like I did! The church family that accepted her into their home is showing her how to point, rest and rely on the love of God. She is healing, getting the help she needs and breaking the cycle for her child. She is learning that there is no reason to fear because she has never been alone. God is with her every step of the way so she doesn’t have to be perfect. She just needs to seek the one who is.

Father God, we thank you that in our weakness your power is made strong. You have given us the wonderful example of Your Son to point to and follow. Thank you for always being with us, loving us and knowing what we need before we do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Restorative Practices


You Gotta Know What to WANT