Whatcha Gonna Eat?

Soon it will be Ash Wednesday which begins the forty days and nights, not counting Sundays, before Easter. Traditionally I give up different foods as part of a fast in honor of Jesus’ sacrifice for me. I will do something different this year after coming across this verse. In John 4:34., Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.” So what am I going to eat while I uncover God’s will for me?

One of my favorite sayings is that you should feed what you want to live and let what you want to die starve. The will of God, in me, is what I want to feed. What do “wills” eat? What do I feed my will to change it into God’s will? My will can be described as the things that I want so I need to change my wants.

Recently, a couple of friends of mine did a 72 hour total fast. During those three days, they only drank water. One of them had an amazing revelation. He realized that he only wanted something when it was in front of him. That blew me away because I think that concept could work both ways. Things that I want to stop wanting I keep out of my sight and I put in front of me the things that I want to begin wanting. During this forty days, I will cleanse my palate and begin to put, in front of me, the will of God to help increase my desire for it.

Instead of feeding my ego and wants, I will give them over to God’s will by being humble and obedient. Giving them over means fully relying on God which requires me to increase my communication, most importantly, the listening. Looks like meditation and prayer will keep me open to receive and God will feed His will to me. I’m not sure what it will be but whatever He feeds me is what I’m gonna eat.

Heavenly Father, provider of every great and perfect gift, forgive me and prepare my heart to receive. I open myself to hear from you, grateful that you choose to speak to me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Put Your Pride Aside


Let the Journey Begin!