Let the Journey Begin!

For months I have been writing this first blog. What should I talk about? What is the format? Will I find my authentic voice and remain open to hear from God? It is now over six months later. I have to stop getting ready and take a step forward. There is no better place to start than at the beginning.

On a Sunday in June, a sermon lesson struck me. It was the familiar lesson of Jesus in the wilderness being tempted, while on a forty day fast. With every temptation, Jesus quotes a scripture. It was that day when God showed me that this is exactly what we all should do! We should fight our battles with the word of God because the word of God is the only true weapon we have. My mind was flooded with ways to remind myself of the promises of God as I go throughout the day.

Here I will share ways that I use the word of God to get past my challenges and uncover my purpose while helping to build the kingdom of God. Will it be loved by others? I don’t know but it will be pleasing to my Father and He is the judge. My sincere intention is to inspire, guide, motivate and encourage. I pray that my words will be received in the manner they were intended. Let the journey begin.

Father God, thank you for continuing to show yourself to me. I pray that my words will be received and Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Amen


Whatcha Gonna Eat?