In Spirit and Truth

One of the things that I am enjoying about the stay at home order is that my home has become a house of worship. Before now, I mostly took my praise, prayers and worship to a different place. I took them to my church.  Of course, I pray, study and do my devotions at home but now I have found myself breaking out and breaking down in pure worship. Arms raised, tears streaming worship. 

I read a lot of comments that people are really enjoying online worship and I agree because my Pastor has been on fire. Not just with the sermon but with new ways to reach and engage people. I believe I am growing and preparing to flourish. I just wonder if somehow because I am in my home that I am listening in a different way.

When I go to church, I think that my expectations are different. At home, this is my space that I control. I think there is something about ownership of the space that has changed my worship.  I'm not governed by norms or protocols.  I am honestly worshiping in Spirit and truth. It is like John 4: 23 says: “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.

In this verse, Jesus was speaking to a Samaritan woman. Samaritans believed their religion was more authentic in comparison to Judaism and held sacred a different Holy City. Through her faith, she knew a Messiah was coming and she was already accustomed to worshiping .  Jesus was letting her know that He was the Messiah and because He had come she would have a chance to know who she worshiped.  This is describing how I have been feeling at home. I am deepening my relationship with God. When the doors reopen, I will take how I am feeling back to my place of worship. I now understand fully that because of the Spirit in me, my place of worship is always with me everywhere I am and I own it. 

Father God, thank you for the gift of your Son. His life made a way for us to worship you in Spirit and truth. Remind us that our worship is our gift to you for all that you do, have done or will do. I own it and I freely give it to you in Spirit and in truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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